How tiresome to be saying
Merry Christmas again
when it should so obviously
be June. Since late October,
all the stores have been playing
their jingly-jolly songs,
shoppers humming along
tunelessly, as they pause
to consider the merit
of a bellydancing houseplant
or battery-operated mittens.
You don’t have to choose,
on the spot these days.
The good news is:
You can buy that retro, 80s
neon sweater, just like the ones
everyone hated in the 80s,
even after you go home.
The joys of the season are
upon us, and there’s always
a reason to celebrate
the people you love—as well
as those you dislike, but
are forced to buy gifts for by
your boss or your spouse—with
a mall-kiosk brie that not even
a mouse would find tempting.
(c) 2017, by Hannah Six
Image: Benh Lieu Song